Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Breakfast Pizza 2

Breakfast pizza. Recipe adapted from Smitten Kitchen

Breakfast Pizza Ingredients:
Whole Foods Pizza Dough
Fakin Bacon Tempeh
Garlic Chives
Salt and Pepper

We rolled out the pre-made dough and then sprinkled on the two cheeses. We then placed the tempeh down and cracked a couple of eggs on top of the pizza. This went into the oven until the yolks were cooked. When the pizza came out of the oven, it was topped with the parsley, chives, and scallions. The saltiness of the bacon really complemented the eggs. Though this pizza did not have any sauce, it wasn't missed. This was a really easy breakfast to make. This is something that you could whip up for a brunch. Next time that we make this we are going to add mushrooms and caramelized onions. The parsley really added a fresh flavor. There was a really good variety of onions on it, but they weren't "sharp".

A couple of posts back, Trader Joe's pizza dough was talked about. For this pizza we used Whole Foods pizza dough, which we all decided was much better than the TJs dough. The Whole Foods dough was really proper pizza dough. It is much fluffier and less sticky. It also has far superior rise factor. It runs about a dollar more, but it really is worth it.

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